
I’m Back (And Creating 50+ Email Courses)

New branding, who dis? If you're still into knowledge management, learning, and teaching, please keep reading!
Ramses Oudt 2 min read
I’m Back (And Creating 50+ Email Courses)

Hi friend,

You’re not hallucinating; I’m posting again.

And get ready to read a lot from me because I’m shipping 52 email courses in 2024.

(Yes, one course per week.)

But before we talk about what’s to come, first...

Where the hell have I been?

I was busy working at Logseq, where I still do support and user education.

That’s why I stopped publishing about two years ago: it just didn’t feel right to talk about other note-taking tools while working for a competitor.

But I miss writing and teaching, and I love email courses. So, what better way to combine those passions than writing an email lesson every day?

Now, I hear you think: ”Email courses? That junk that I get when I sign up for a newsletter?

Unfortunately, a lot of free email content wastes time and energy. But there are also gems between the avalanche of email courses; some are even worth big bucks.

Because I believe in the email format to learn and teach online, I want to figure out what goes into a great email course. And I’ll do that by creating a ton of email courses.

But about what?

About the things you already know me for: knowledge management, learning how to learn, and teaching (via email).

So yes, things will get a bit meta.

But don’t worry, it won’t be all about email courses. Research and figuring out how to build systems are foundational skills for any online creator. All in all, I’m looking to develop a complete creator curriculum… via email. (But you'll be able to read everything via the blog as well.)

So the plan is simple: one daily email lesson, Monday through Friday, for all of 2024.

As an extra (and for those who want to read the CliffsNotes), I’ll bundle summaries of the daily lessons in one weekly email sent on Saturday.

I’ll call the daily lessons The Daily Course and the weekly roundup The Weekly Course.

Until we start learning together on January 1st, I’ll share a behind-the-scenes via the weekly newsletter. You’ll get three of those newsletters before we officially kick off.

Tomorrow's newsletter will go deep into why email courses are great for both creators and learners.

If you’re with me, let me know by replying to this email. If not, feel free to unsubscribe here.

Let’s change some lives, together!

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Ramses' Blog

Learn to create life-changing email courses with storytelling. Shipping 52 email courses in 2024.

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